A California Indian Creates Mission and Spear, South of Market | Indians by the Golden Gate Mission and Spear, South of Market | Sir Francis Drake - 1579 Mission and Spear, South of Market | Conquistadors Discover the Pacific Mission and Spear, South of Market | Monks Building the Mission Mission and Spear, South of Market |

Preaching and Farming at Mission Dolores Mission and Spear, South of Market | Fort Ross Mission and Spear, South of Market | Hardships on the Emigrant Trail Mission and Spear, South of Market | An Early Newspaper Office Mission and Spear, South of Market | Raising the Bear Flag Mission and Spear, South of Market |

Finding Gold at Sutter's Mill Mission and Spear, South of Market | Miners Panning Gold Mission and Spear, South of Market | Arrival by Ship Mission and Spear, South of Market | Torchlight Procession Mission and Spear, South of Market | Pioneers Receiving Mail Mission and Spear, South of Market |

Building the Railroad Mission and Spear, South of Market | Vigilante Days Mission and Spear, South of Market | Riot Scene, Civil War Days Mission and Spear, South of Market | Beating the Chinese Mission and Spear, South of Market | San Francisco As a Cultural Center Mission and Spear, South of Market |