Homage to Siqueiros (1974)

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Homage to Siqueiros mural by Chuy Campusano


dschweisguthdschweisguth Posted 711 weeks ago.
The plaque on the opposite wall reads "Mural. Dedicated by the artists to Mexican muralist David Alfaro Siqueiros. 'We wanted to create a medley of scenes depicting the heritage, life and hopes of the Mission community. The mural is for everybody -- the bank personnel, the people on the other side of the teller counter, and the people walking outside the windows.' Jesus Campusano. Jesus Campusano, chief designer. Luis J. Cortazar, assistant designer. Michael Rios, color coordinator. Emmy Lou Packard, technical advisor. Jaime Carrillo, artist. Candice Ho, artist. Julio Lopez, artist. Anthony Machado, artist. Jack Nevarez, artist. Commissioned by Bank of America for its Mission-23rd Street Office. June 4, 1974."
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